48 Hour FREE SHIPPING Special! Code = FREESHIPJULY (NZ & Aussie Only Ends Tues 16th July Midnight!) - A great chance to try some DJK foods!

  • Blog



  • Vegetable Platters for Kids

    In the journey to promote healthy eating habits, vegetable platters for kids become more than just a healthy snack – they become a culinary playgr...
  • Healthy Christmas Pudding - Gluten Free & Grain Free

      I had a lovely follower message me the other day asking if I had a healthy Christmas pudding - ideally one that little ones could enjoy?! Do you...
  • Peanut Butter Easter Eggs (D/F)

    Easter Egg Full

    Easter, dark chocolate, peanut butter and the goodness of coconut oil....to be honest I think I had you at the title! I am quite delighted in how my new Easter treats have turned out and how easy they are too (cue two little people in the kitchen with me).

    Using my Homemade Chocolate recipe as a base I created a peanut buttery middle inspired by my Christmas fudge and using my favorite Pics Peanut...
  • Chocolate, Raspberry & Coconut Cups

    Prep Time: 15 minutes
    Freeze Time: 1-2 hours or until set


    Sometimes I surprise myself with my creations! Or it just happens that Saturday nights - the only chilled time in the kitchen - happens to be my magic time. Either way these chocolatey, coconut, raspberry morsels come with a warning of 'highly addictive'. Oh and they are dairy-free and gluten-free! 

    Dr Julie's Chocolate (slightly adapted)
    5 Tb of Coconut Oil (heaped)
    1/2 C of Coco Powder
    1 Tb of honey
    Dash of vanilla essence
  • Peanut Butter Humus

    Humus middle

    This recipe has been inspired by one of my special one-on-one clients who needs something D/F, G/F, S/F and onion and garlic free to help ease her little girls wind and colic while breastfeeding. I am also always on the look out for different way to get vegetables in to little ones (my boys included). Not to mention I am slightly obsessed with the new super seeded organic oatcakes from Nairns!

  • Healthy Christmas Fudge

    Long edited


    400g (or 2 small jars (195g) of almond butter

    8 Tb of coconut oil (well softened)

    2 heaped spoons of honey

    1 dash of vanilla essence

    Note: You can easily make this with half the mixture (almond butter can be expensive) you just need a small tin to set (if you want it high) or personally I found when I did a thin layer in the square cake tin it was more than enough as this is quite filling!


  • Baked Potato Chips

    Chip long edited

    Let us be honest, potato chips are quite irresistible. However, heavy processing of them has effectively rendered a favourite snack or side dish with very little nutrients and a few nasties in there.

    This recipe of mine is not fancy by any measure but turns our humble potato, skin still on into a homemade version which will be gobbled up (by big and little people) in seconds flat!




  • Healthy Party Crackles (Dairy & Gluten Free)

    Crackle Long

    Chocolate party crackles are something I remember from my own childhood. I have been playing around with a healthier version and found it quite simple to re-create with a few tweaks! We made these on Sunday morning for Arjun's party - he pretty much did them all himself - so they do really get the tick of being super easy.

    Free of refined sugar, with just a dash of honey for sweetness, they are...
  • Tips for the Perfect Platter

    When I say perfect I really mean rustic and healthy. 'Perfect' just sounded great with 'platter' but you know what my style really is! We have Smushie’s second birthday this weekend (how did that happen, seriously) and a platter is one of best ways to feed guest regardless of the numbers.

    Platter Blog Edited

    So here are my tips to a pure and simple platter and yet another way to sneak some of those vegetables in to...
  • Easy Beetroot Dip

    The color of this dip is just incredible! It is one of the reasons I love beetroot so much. This dip will impress party guests with very minimal effort....and you will look like a domestic goddess.

    Beetroot Dip 1

    This recipe uses the most simple ingredients with beetroot as the main base. It is a great way to boost vegetable intake up in a way that is so simple and actually fun! The hint of cumin really gives it...
  • Ice Cubes With A Twist!

    Ice Ice Baby!!

    Summer is coming and so is the heat! Keeping little ones hydrated is so important when it is hot.


    Our current Ministry of Health Guidelines are for children to just have water or milk offered as drinks and if juice is given that this should be watered down. Sadly this is not always the case with 5000 children under the age of eight currently being admitted and going under a full...
  • Lemon, Ginger & Blueberry Cheesecake - with Nairns Oat Biscuits



    Cheesecake is my husbands all time favourite dessert. I will be honest though, out of all the things to make in the kitchen, cheesecake has not been a strength of mine! When we were first together I had a couple of, not so great attempts, trying to use gelatin and then, well kids came along and cooking for hungry monkeys is hard enough without failed dessert attempts.....

    However, now I think I...