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Peanut Butter Easter Eggs (D/F)

Easter, dark chocolate, peanut butter and the goodness of coconut be honest I think I had you at the title! I am quite delighted in how my new Easter treats have turned out and how easy they are too (cue two little people in the kitchen with me).

Using my Homemade Chocolate recipe as a base I created a peanut buttery middle inspired by my Christmas fudge and using my favorite Pics Peanut Butter. These just use a bit of honey for sweetness which can be adjusted according to taste and a free of refined sugar and are also dairy free!


Dr Julie’s Chocolate (slightly adapted)

4 Tb of Coconut Oil (heaped)
3 Tb of Coco Powder
1 Tb of honey
Dash of vanilla essence

Peanut Butter Filling:

2 Tb coconut oil
2 Tb smooth peanut butter
1 Tb honey


1. Make Dr Julie’s Healthy Chocolate

-Melt coconut oil on low heat and quickly mix in other ingredients. You may find you can take it off the heat to mix in the other ingredients, the less temperature the better! This has slightly less honey than my original recipe due to the sweetness of the filling…but you could add a bit extra if you wanted! Pour into Easter themed silicon molds (see below where you can grab mine as an Easter bonus) and place in freezer.

2. Make Filling

Melt the coconut oil on low heat, quickly followed by the peanut butter and honey. Keep storing until all mixed together. Spoon filling on top of chocolate base and place in freezer.

3. Finish Top Chocolate Layer

Just spoon the remaining chocolate on the top and freeze until set.

4. Pop out and enjoy! Due to the coconut oil these will melt so are (unfortunately) not suitable for an Easter egg hunt....unless clues lead to the fridge! However for a healthy alternative to our traditional eggs (especially dairy-free) and a fun activity to do with the kids these are perfect! You can also check out my sugar-free hot-cross bun recipe too!

Allergy-Free Eggs

As these homemade eggs have been so popular, I created a completely allergy-free version for my complete Baby & Toddler Cookbook.

We also have a great limited Easter bundle with a free mold tray check it out here stock is limited (March 2024).

Happy Easter,

xxx Dr Julie

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