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  • Blog



  • Where to Start Reducing Sugar

      This week on the podcast we had three great caller questions with a 'where to start' theme. One of these questions was "where to start wi...
  • Mum Bods - Strong is the New Skinny

    This was about 7am Saturday morning. Hubby took this photo as he was like "you are not seriously taking them all out" – ah yes - the boys had been ...
  • The Trenches of Sleep Deprivation – A Letter to a Fellow Mum

    When pregnant with my first son I remember being terrified of the sleep deprivation that was to come. I knew it would be hard and I also knew that ...
  • Why Slow Cookers are a Mum's Best Friend

    Slow cookers are honestly the best thing since sliced bread. No kitchen pun intended! Also known as crockpots a slow cooker is an absolute must hav...
  • Gluten-Free Apple and Cinnamon Muffins

    G/F D/F 
    Prep time: 5 minutes
    Cook time: 20-25 minutes


    Home-made muffins are a great healthy option for mums and children alike, they can be easily made in advance and frozen so that if you are in need of a fast snack you can either pop in the microwave for 10 seconds or take out in the morning and put in your lunch bag for later on. These muffins are super-fast and include basic ingredients, use fruit as a natural sweetener and are gluten-free!

  • Immune Boosting Smoothie

    G/F N/F E/F 
    Prep time: 5 minutes
    Makes: 1 smoothie


    Packed full of wonderful immune boosting ingredients this smoothie can make for a great breakfast or snack option! It has been given the taste tick from both hubby and the toddlers (and neither could tell there was spinach in it!!)

  • Mummy is going away for work - a letter for my babies

    To my babies –



    This is the first time I am leaving you both and leaving you to work. I know you do not fully understand this now, so this is all the things I wish I could tell you:

    I love you, more than I ever imagined loving someone, more than I could put into words.

    I hope you will know that me leaving you to work, to build a career does not mean I do not love you any less or wanted to miss any...
  • My Real Postpartum Body


    I am a mother. I am tired, broken and sore. I have lumps, bumps, marks and jiggly bits.

    I am a mother. I have created, grown, carried and birthed two gorgeous sons.

    I am a mother. I am solely responsible for the lives of two little humans, every single day and night, week in and week out and will be for the rest of my life (and maybe future #number 3 baby).

    I am a health professional. I work in an...
  • Why I am not exclusively breastfeeding - confessions of a nutritionist mum

    This blog has been quite hard for me to write and taken me a few drafts! I sincerely hope that it helps another mum out there feel at peace with their own choice of how they feed their baby.

    My First Experience

    This story really starts with my experience breastfeeding my first son (now aged 2). As a nutritionist and lecturer prior to having children I taught the importance of breast-feeding. I KNEW...
  • Healthy Homemade Chocolates

    G/F D/F E/F N/F
    Prep Time: 10 minutes
    Set Time: 1 hour in fridge or 10 minutes in freezer


    Valentines Day is coming up! I know that it is super commercialised now but hey in the busyness of life, especially with children, it does not hurt to have a decent excuse to put some time into those that you love, especially your partner.

    I actually created this recipe when Smushie was a newborn and I was often up late at night feeding him....little monkey still likes a middle of the night feed!

  • Sahan's Birth Story

    Sahan Raj Bhosale - Saturday 17th Jan 2015, 11.10pm


    The birth of our second son was quite different to that of our first – which was a fairly text book natural birth.  Most of you will have read my earlier blogs about the challenges I encountered during the later stages of my pregnancy with pelvic athropathy which meant I needed to be induced. It was a very surreal...
  • Pregnancy Journal 39 Weeks

    This will highly likely be my last blog before I become a mum again. I will be completely honest I did not think I would get this far. I am now 39 weeks and 2 days pregnant. This is a common theme among most of my pregnancy blogs as you will have no doubt picked up! This blog follows on from the one I wrote nearly two weeks ago (read here). I am a qualified health professional but I am first and...