Dr Julie’s Mum Squad Get Started – is your essential guide for helping you to get started on your wellbeing journey. No matter where you are at – beginning your conception journey, pregnant or postpartum this is your guide to help you through all the big changes that we go through as mums….nourishing yourself with good movement and food in a way that is safe and backed by research! This handbook covers:
- The science of our body changes – including crucial but seldom discussed topics like pelvic floor and abdominal separation
- Postural changes and uneven loading in everyday mum life
- When and how to start moving safely
- An at home workout you can start today!
- Important nutrition tips and just where to start when you are so tired.
- 5 delicious, easy recipes to try right away
This is an electronic ebook version.
Also available in a complete ebook bundle along with all other ebooks at a discounted rate (highly recommended!)