All seven of my ebooks in a discounted bundle for you!! Individual price of each is $15 so you save mega $$$$ by getting everything together! All info about each book below!
Healthy Easy Dinners for Busy Mums - This recipe book specially designed to help make dinners as stress-free as possible by doing all the planning for you. It contains 14 delicious dinner recipes (plus a healthy chocolate ball recipe which I have personally created, tested and trilled with my little tribe. These recipes have been broken down into 2 weeks of dinners with complete shopping lists so you can literally print the lists, buy the ingredients and have dinner set for the week!
Slow Cooked - Is a collection of the 20 top slow cooker recipes my little tribe eats. All recipes except our special community choice recipe are $15 or less! Along with dinner ideas you will also find breakfast options, sides, soups plus a cheeky (healthy) dessert option as well. I also have included recipes with more interesting ingredients, like liver and mussels. This is to show you just how to prepare these easily as they are very high in iron and supplement the advice from my two books The Nourished Baby and The Nourished Toddler.
Mum Squad Get Started Guide - Your essential guide for helping you to get started on your wellbeing journey. No matter where you are at – beginning your conception journey, pregnant or postpartum this is your guide to help you through all the big changes that we go through as mums….nourishing yourself with good movement and food in a way that is safe and backed by research!
Breastfeeding Guide - Packed full of expert information and practical tips to help
support your breastfeeding journey. It is covers hormones, fatigue, nutrients to boost milk supply, managing windy babies and more with recipe ideas and helpful products as well.
Sugar Reduction Guide - This short e-book comprises of various chapters covering topics such as 'What is sugar?', 'Why is sugar so 'bad'?' and 'Cravings' to name a few. The chapters are packed with valuable insights and information that will help readers understand the role sugar plays in our diets and the negative effects it can have on our health. There is also a collection of 'Low sugar recipes' that readers can try at home, making it easier to reduce sugar intake without compromising on taste. Dr Julie's Sugar Reduction Guide is a must-read for anyone looking to improve their health and well-being by reducing sugar intake.
High Protein Breakfast Guide - Packed full of top tips on breakfast, protein as a nutrient and what's in our cereals....best of all 20 high protein breakfast ideas to kick start your day - including THAT BREAD! Get ready to transform your breakfast game and start your day the best way!
Nutrition for Sleep Guide - The must-have guide to help exhausted parents from Dr Julie and Abby Dickens (Sleep Solutions NZ). Both Dr Julie and Abby are incredibly passionate about helping parents and little ones – with quality advice (backed by research) and simple strategies for busy (and exhausted) families.
This is exactly where this guide comes in! This comprehensive ebook explains the links between food and sleep and how to nourish your little one to optimise sleep - including some handy recipes to have on hand