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  • Blog



  • Three Simple Steps to Reset Your Diet and Health

    Are you feeling the need to hit the reset button on your food intake? Those well meaning New Years Goals set just a couple of months ago now out t...
  • Doing The Work and Getting No Results

    This is an area of growth that has been front of mind lately. We have been having deep conversations on the podcast and blog on body composition a...
  • Restriction Verse Enjoyment

    This week on the podcast I took a deep dive into mindful eating. I also unpacked a caller question on the difference between restriction and enjoy...
  • Where to Start Reducing Sugar

      This week on the podcast we had three great caller questions with a 'where to start' theme. One of these questions was "where to start wi...
  • 2019 The Year of Hope

    2019 Blog 1

    Every year I set a word for the year. It is something I have been doing for a while time now after reading this in a business book. I used to do dream boards. I think these really helped when I was a lot younger, but after having the boys I have preferred to simplify the year goal-wise.

    Having a word for the year helps me to focus. I take actions and check that the choices I make are in line with...
  • I Lost A Bit Of Me


    As 2018 nears the end, I have been able to decrease the intensity of my work for a bit and it has been a time to pause and churn the year over.

    I have forged ahead into a lot of incredible ventures this year, but it has been a very hard process. Constantly stepping into the unknown and up against a lot of resistance. Like tackling a thick forest with a small blade trying to hack down a path in the...
  • What Goes Up Must Come Down

    Blog Chch

    It’s mid-July. Ask where the last few months have gone I would not be able to tell you. I do know what day of the week it is again. I have started to regain normality out of my ‘writing cave’. What ever normal is. As I shared on one of my Facebook LIVES the journey to finish The Nourished Toddler has been my toughest yet. Big call considering my other ‘projects’ I have done - a doctoral thesis and...
  • Getting Makeup Lessons - with Eleanor Dorn Makeup

    We are now firmly in the thick of the festive season. This brings along with it a lot of family and social occasions. As many of you know I spend a significant portion of my time presenting and being in front of people. Getting presentable for such engagements is not an easy task when covered in children! This year in particular I have spent a lot of time on the road, little monkeys in tow and...
  • How Getting An Office Helped My Mental Health

    Office 2

    Like a lot of true-blue startups, our company was started at the kitchen table - which was to become my ‘work-station’ for a long time.

    While I have always had a desk at the university research office, a huge part of my work (research and business) has been done at home. With two young children this made the child care juggle easier as I could work when they slept and for a large part I was still...
  • Windy Babies and Eliminating Foods

    Edited Smushie

    Windy babies is a very common concern for new parents.

    Wind is the the air in your baby's tummy. During feeding your baby may swallow a lot of air along with her milk when they feeds as well as potentially gulping in air when they cry. While all babies can get wind, some will experience this more than others. Your babies gut is very delicate especially in the early new born days as it is very...
  • Preparing for a Tour of a Lifetime

    Blog Au Pair square

    August the 26th 2017 in Auckland marks the official kick-off to our massive 10:20 starting solids tour. It has been months of work behind the scenes – but we are pumped with that mixture of excitement and nervousness.

    Ages back… when I was writing my book…my husband and I were talking about the tours and what cities to go to. I wanted to reach as many people as possible so we decided just go for it...
  • Strong Bodies and Strong Minds

    Blog 5

    It has been just over two years since I posted my blog, My Real Postpartum Body.Two years and it is still going viral. Two years of mums reading this, major media outlets sharing it and being asked for interviews. Two years of getting messages time after time saying how relieved mums are to not feel alone with this. To me this just shows how much the changes that happen to us after having a baby...