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Easy Rib Roast - Family Meal to Homemade Baby Food

This is a great meal for the whole family, baby included, which is very high in iron, fat and B-vitamins. It honestly takes all of five minutes preparation in the slow cooker and then a quick pulse in a food processor or baby food maker when you get home! The puree is so good even the big people of the house will love it! You can read more about the importance of adding meat into your babies diet when starting solids in my earlier blog here.




500g-750g of rolled rib beef (ideally get one with the string already on!)

3 carrots, chopped

2 onions, sliced

1-2 red kumara, chopped

1 and 1/2 cups of beef stock

Extra virgin olive oil (to seal the meat)


1. Turn a large fry-pan on medium heat, when hot add a little bit of oil and place in meat to seal all the sides. Remove from heat and place into the slow cooker.

2. Put in all the chopped vegetables around it.

3. Pour over beef stock, cover and cook on high for 4-5 hours or low for 6-7 hours.


4. To make baby food, place a portion of the vegetables (about 3/4 cup) and a couple of slices of meat into a food processor or baby food maker (no steaming required if using the later). Pulse for a minute or two and pour into bowls!


For more baby food recipes check out my best selling book on starting solids - The Nourished Baby which has some starter recipes included.

For a complete 24 baby food recipes which match my week-by-week guide see my Baby and Toddler Cookbook!

To make life even easier through Dr Julie's Kitchen we now have a range of baby-friendly slow cooker mixes. These contain absolutely no additives, artificial flavours, numbers or sugar! They are completely fine for babies starting solids.

Happy Cooking,

xx Dr Julie

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