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PhD Watch Time Minus....Bonus 18 Days

It is time to sprint.

I have done a 4 year marathon and now I am down to the wire, and it’s time to sprint.

I have missed my deadline of the 30th (today) - I had 3 weeks up my sleeve just in case I needed it as I didn’t know what the tail end of my thesis looked like. Maybe that’s my ‘mum-mode’ planning coming out. Regardless I do need it this extra time. Although I have given it everything, I need to refine and rework some of my final chapters.

I actually have less than three weeks, as it will take a week to have my thesis proof-read so I am working to the 9th of December.

But that’s it. If I don’t get it handed in by the 18th of December I need to wait until next year and that’s complications worth avoiding at all costs.

I have been disappointed that I didn’t make the 30th - I have needed to put off a lot of things including the release of my new recipe book which has been under progress for two years.

Moreover, I have needed to reconcile with myself about spending more time ‘absent’ as a mum and a wife….that has been the hardest hands down. It’s like I am operating in two different worlds which is really hard at times but my boys have been helping me to focus on the small things each day.

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To be honest I just really don’t have time to dwell on what could have been. It is what it is and we just have to hold out a bit longer.

And I am going to do this.

For the first time in 4 years I now actually believe I can do this and will – for the sake of all those around me giving so much love and support, most of all my husband and my boys – I am going to step into a new gear, and give it everything for another 18 days.

The theory I am holding onto is – if I can go through labour for 30 hours and then operate on snippets of hours of sleep for weeks with a newborn and a toddler….surely I can pull this crazy-as gig off too…..

Come on finish line!!!!

xxx The New Mum's Nutritionist

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