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High Iron Baby Puree

Introducing food high in iron to your baby is crucial. As breast-milk and formula have only trace amounts of iron, babies are born with enough iron stores to last them up until around six months of age, after which iron must be supplemented in their diet.

As a really high source of haem iron (very easily absorbed) I am asked a lot about how and when to introduce meat into a baby. You can read more about this over my previous blog here and this is a great high iron puree to try with your baby! It is one straight from my best selling book The Nourished Baby

These ingredients especially the mince, liver and kale are all great sources of iron. The trick with using liver (which has 9mg/100g of iron) is to neutralise the smell with some lemon juice before hand - just allow a few hours for this.



150g lambs fry

1/2 lemon

1/2 cup mince (or other red meat like a lamb chop)

Coconut oil or olive oil (for pan frying meat)

1 carrot, chopped (can leave skin on)

1/2 cup of butternut pumpkin

1 handful fresh spinach or kale

1. Place liver into a bowl and squeeze in 1/2 a lemon - this will neutralise the smell. Set aside for a few hours in the fridge.

2. Place the liver into a blender and blitz - until it resembles the same texture as mince.

3. Cook the mince and liver on a fry pan at the same time. Meanwhile steam the carrots, butternut pumpkin and greens.

When browned add the mince and liver (about 1/2-3/4 cup combined) into the blender. If using the Avent Healthy Baby Food Maker just put in onto of the vegies. You can put any extra mince/liver into into small containers that you can freeze and add to boost iron in other meat dishes like my beef and liver parcels.

5. Puree up all the meat and vegetables and hey presto you have a baby puree super high in iron!

My second son really loved his purees! He couldn't help but want some after I made this to take some photos! With these ingredients it did not matter to me that he was still having a puree well passed one. I see a lot of pressure on parents to move their children on - some children will prefer a puree and some will prefer more baby-led-weaning. Keeping the focus on what your baby is eating is the real key and to chances to explore different textures as you go.

For more help on starting solids be sure to check out my best-selling books, pumpkin porridge from my food brand Dr Julie's Kitchen and upcoming events

xxx Dr Julie

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