Join Dr Julie & Abby Dickens (Sleep Solutions NZ) for a highly informative virtual event on nutrition for sleep (babies & toddlers).
The areas of food and sleep for babies and toddlers are hugely conflicting topics on their own - the relationship between the two is even more confusing with a mass of opinions which does not help exhausted parents!
With a shared passion to help families in this area, Dr Julie & Abby have written a comprehensive guide (pre-order available now due out on Oct 7th). This virtual talk covers this crucial topic in extensive detail, explaining key points of nutrition to guide sleep and important sleep associations to help little ones.
Moreover, this talk gives you the prime opportunity to directly ask Dr Julie and Abby your questions and get specific help for your child.
This virtual event is held on Zoom so even if you cannot make the session live you will still be sent the recording afterwards.
Exclusive discount codes and offers to attendees will also be given!
Tickets are just $15 and you will be sent the Zoom link automatically with your ticket after purchase.