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  • Understanding Baby Colic: Causes, Symptoms, and Strategies for Parents

    Welcoming a new baby into the family is a special time. Potentially one that has been long awaited for. However, for some parents, the...
  • The Trenches of Sleep Deprivation – A Letter to a Fellow Mum

    When pregnant with my first son I remember being terrified of the sleep deprivation that was to come. I knew it would be hard and I also knew that ...
  • My Real Postpartum Body


    I am a mother. I am tired, broken and sore. I have lumps, bumps, marks and jiggly bits.

    I am a mother. I have created, grown, carried and birthed two gorgeous sons.

    I am a mother. I am solely responsible for the lives of two little humans, every single day and night, week in and week out and will be for the rest of my life (and maybe future #number 3 baby).

    I am a health professional. I work in an...
  • Why I am not exclusively breastfeeding - confessions of a nutritionist mum

    This blog has been quite hard for me to write and taken me a few drafts! I sincerely hope that it helps another mum out there feel at peace with their own choice of how they feed their baby.

    My First Experience

    This story really starts with my experience breastfeeding my first son (now aged 2). As a nutritionist and lecturer prior to having children I taught the importance of breast-feeding. I KNEW...
  • Banana, Walnut and LSA Muffins

    D/F E/F
    Prep time: 5 minutes
    Cook time: 20 minutes
    Makes: 12 muffins

    I always have a batch of home-made muffins made and in the freezer - I find they go a lot faster with two monkeys now! They provide a fast, easy and healthy snack which I can grab while on the go, and these particular muffins I literally lived on while breast-feeding (and expressing) Smushie.

  • Sahan's Birth Story

    Sahan Raj Bhosale - Saturday 17th Jan 2015, 11.10pm


    The birth of our second son was quite different to that of our first – which was a fairly text book natural birth.  Most of you will have read my earlier blogs about the challenges I encountered during the later stages of my pregnancy with pelvic athropathy which meant I needed to be induced. It was a very surreal...
  • Super Simple Banana Muffins

    We were out of our supply of snacks so this morning I whipped up these super simple banana muffins. When I say this morning it was more like crack of dawn as Arjun was awake at 5.30am this morning - so what better activity on a cold, dark morning than to do some baking together. Well, I mainly did the mixing while Arjun watched with his lions and books but he was still involved :)

    2014-06-28 06.52.15

    2014-06-28 07.21.08

    When we came home...